Wish for more discount on your ride with GoCar or GoRide on Gojek app? Have you heard about Voucher or are you having trouble using it? Well keep reading cause i’m gonna show you everything about Gojek voucher codes, how to get it, and how to use it. Saving you some bucks!

Introduction about Gojek Voucher Codes

Hello! Today i’m gonna share my experience on collecting Gojek voucher codes cause i’m using this service on daily basis.
Actually I wrote this beacuse my friends been asking me how did my account always get discount vouchers and promotion, LOL.
Well, first lets talk about GoCar and GoRide, and we’ll move on to GoFood and GoSend later. For your information, at this time Gojek have 2 available promotions :
- Discount vouchers from Rp4000, Rp5000 and so on.
- Cashback GoPay Coins from 6000, 8000, up to 11000 that can be used on GoCar and GoRide.
Things You Have to Prepare to Get Gojek Voucher Codes July 2022
It’s a must to prepare things listed below to get discount voucher and cashback from GoCar and GoRide:
1. Newest version of Gojek application (make sure to download the official application in Google Play Store or IOS) and have a registered and valid Gojek account.
2. The next step is to register the GoPay account in your Gojek account.
3. You also have to top up your GoPay balance. You can top up your GoPay balance through Alfamart or by mobile banking. Take notes that if you choose to top up your GoPay balance through Alfamart, there will be administration fee in the amount of Rp2.000.
The minimum nominal for Gopay balance’s top up in Alfamart is Rp20.000, and the next available top up nominal is Rp50.000, and then Rp.100.000, and so on. So, let’s say you want to top up Rp.600.000, then you will be charge twice of the administration fee, which is (Rp500.000 + 2.000) + (Rp100.000 + 2.000) = this will make your total payment Rp604.000.
4. Another note you have to take is the 2 schemes on how to pay the remaining cost after we get the dicscount :
- If you get GoPay Coins from your voucher, then you can pay the remaining by : GopPay, GoPaylater, credit card or credit, Jago, Link Aja, and GoPay Coins itself.
- If you get discount from your voucher, then you can pay the remaining by : cash or GoPay.
Things You Have to Remember About T&C of Gojek Voucher Codes
You have to keep in mind about the terms and conditions of voucher code, which consist of:
1. The voucher’s validity period after being claimed is 7 days.
2. Usually there is no minimum transaction.
3. Check out whether the voucher you get is available for GoRide and GoCar or either only GoRide or GoCar.
4. Every voucher codes that Gojek share have certain quota. You have to input the voucher code I will give below as soon as possible so you won’t miss it out.
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How to Input Gojek Voucher Code July 2022 for Gojek Users
The steps below are the same steps to check voucher’s availability in your Gojek account :
1. Open Gojek app
2. Click your profile picture on the right corner of your phone’s screen
3. And then, click Promo menu
4. After that, click Masukkan Kode Promo/Input Code Promo if you want to input voucher code
5. Or click vouchers column if you want to know the vouchers’ variety, number of vouchers, and validity period of your vouchers.

6. Now, what you have to do is click Masukkan Kode Promo/Input Code Promo column, then input a valid code, which is : GOJEKINAJA with all capital letters, after that click Validasi Kodemu/Validate Your Code
7. If it works, there will be a notice like this.

8. Next, click Pakai Kode/Use Code so you will be redirected to a page contains collection of your vouchers (varies from GoPay coins cashback and discount)
9. Don’t forget to pay attention to the method of how you will pay the remaining cost just by clicking that voucher column.

How to Use The Available GoPay Coins Cashback and Discount Voucher
First, we apply GoPay coins cashback voucher that we get by making a GoRide order :
1. Click Pakai Voucher/Use Voucher.
2. Click Oke to activated your location.
3. Choose destination location.
4. Take a look at voucher that you want to use, it’s on the bottom-right part of the screen.
5. You can also change the payment method on the bottom-left part of the screen.
6. For GoPay coins cashback, you will earn your cashback after your ride is over

Second, we apply discount voucher that we get by making a GoCar or GoRide order
1. The 1-5 steps are the same as mentioned above.
6. For discount voucher, all you have to pay is the remaining cost.

Now you already understand about how to get Gojek GoCar and GoRide voucher for July 2022 through this article, don’t you?
Don’t miss my article that contains GoFood and GoSend’s offering code and any other writings later. Hope it’s usefull ♡